Episode 50: Dr. Burch’s Cabinet of Curiosities

To celebrate our 50th (wow!) episode, we take you on a journey into the wild and wide-ranging world of Fantasy Knives.  We did this “picks” style, and each selected some examples from a few different categories.  Get your inner knife geek on and join along with us!  Be sure to share your own picks in our FB group or via IG and tag us.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

Episode 49: Grace Horne

Grace Horne joins us for a chat about her work and how she came to be part of the Sheffield cutlery world. We’ve talked a few times in previous episodes about Grace’s work and her fantastic scissors. She tells us about her personal history and her path from other forms of metalwork to knives to scissors and why she finds them fascinating. One of our favorite episodes to date, hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

(Bonus) Minisode: Back to School – Part 4

It’s been a weird year, so we check in with Sean for an update on his journey back to school.  Sean gives us an update, we pay our respects to damascus and knife maker Chris Marks, and we chat about some very cool and interesting stuff that we’ve come across lately.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

Episode 48: Send-Off Picks

It’s that time of year when some of you are sending off a loved one to college or off into the real world. We talk about our picks for proper send-off in a few different categories, all with a sub-$100 price point in mind. It’s certain that we missed some good ones, be sure to share your own picks with us, we’d love to hear them!

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

Episode 47: Gerry McGinnis

This one’s been a long time coming, our friend and knifemaker Gerry McGinnis joins us for a great interview about his life and how he got into knifemaking. Gerry has a unique story, having gotten into knife making at such an early age. He tells us about his various projects, his love of hunting and fishing, and a new venture he’s working on that many of you will find interesting.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.