(Bonus) Minisode: Back to School – Part 5

We check in with Sean on what may be the last of the Back to School Minisodes…or is it?!? Sean tells us about his most recent classes and things coming up, as well as how he’s been able to use some of what he’s learned. We spend a fair bit chatting about some cool things we’ve seen around the ‘net and folks we wanted to point out.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

Episode 54: Over the River and Through the Woods

We always have fun with “picks” episodes, so with the holiday season upon us, we put one together around road trip essentials as well as some gift picks for one another across a few price ranges. We share some very cool things we spotted since our last episode and pay some respects as well.  Fun conversation as always and ended up turning into our longest episode to date.  Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

Episode 53: Richard Rogers

Richard Rogers joins us for a chat about his knifemaking journey and some of the challenges he has had to work through both in life and in knife making.  Richard and his wife Sally are friends of the show, so it was a pleasure to have him take the time to chat with us.  You can find Richard in his Facebook group Richard Rogers Knives or on Instagram @richardrogersknives

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

Episode 52: Bill Moran

Our latest knife history installment is on William F. “Bill” Moran Jr. We were honored to have Jay Hendrickson join us for this episode, an ABS Master and legendary maker in his own right. We walk through the Moran timeline together with Jay and after this one, you’ll have a clear understanding why many consider Moran to be one of the greatest makers of our time. You can learn more about the William F. Moran Museum and Foundation at www.williammoranmuseum.com

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.

Episode 51: Luke Swenson

Traditional knife maker Luke Swenson joins us for a conversation about life and knifemaking. We talk a bit about the South Texas slipjoint scene, his move to Idaho and how Luke came to be a traditional slipjoint maker. You can find Luke in his Facebook group Swenson Handmade Knives or on Instagram @swensonknives

If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us via Patreon! For more discussion and insight on our show topics, follow us on Instagram @markofthemaker or join our discussion group on Facebook.